Montfortian Education Policy

Montfortian educational initiative stands out by the fact they operate from the framework of the core dimensions derived from Montfort’s vision; the audacity, faith, resilience and enthusiasm of our pioneers and our courageous new responses of today to the emerging developments and transformations. The core dimensions of our Education policy are:

A Spiritual Vision

"God Alone" was Montfort's ideal, his goal in life, and his key to the universe. A spiritual vision of life that helps the whole education community to seek the truth and live by it is the goal of Montfortian education. Keeping this goal in mind the Montfortian education provides opportunities:

  • to develop a deep spiritual experience and orientation in life that help students to find God's Wisdom and to live by its demands.
  • to become rooted in their faith culture through a personal encounter with God that helps them celebrate differences and love one another.
  • to develop a critical consciousness and personal convictions on matters of one's religion, and at the same time to respect and be enriched by the faith convictions of others.
  • to foster the Christian life of the Catholic community through spiritual and apostolic activities, without however isolating them from those of other faiths.
  • to cultivate a genuinely Catholic institutional culture that is universal, based on values such as an atmosphere of trust, just and authentic relationships, service to all, inclusiveness, participation and a spirit of forgiveness.
  • to imbibe Montfortian ethos and values by all the stakeholders in Montfortian education through appropriate programmes and structures.
Inclusive Education

In the poor and the marginalized, Montfort saw the face of God. They determined his lifestyle, gave focus to his options in ministry and formed his clientele. While he understood that the liberating and humanizing mission of Christ is meant for all, Montfort followed his master and chose those pushed to the fringes by an unjust and uncaring society as his first choice in mission. Inclusion, non-discrimination, respect and participation of all were his core values in his mission.

Montfortian education follows the same options by:
  • promoting inclusive education through a clear admission policy that spells out percentages of admission to students who come from physically, socially and economically disadvantaged sections of society such as the differently abled, HIV / AIDS affected, indigenous peoples, social outcasts, women, minorities, immigrants and the poor.
  • adhering to a Common School System that is inclusive of all sections of society without discrimination, with the poor and the vulnerable being the first preference.
  • adhering to the principle that no child will be denied a Montfortian education solely for economic reasons.
  • promoting the education of the differently abled, through integrated institutions.
  • providing technical education to improve skills and knowledge that will increase opportunities for the young.
  • organizing well-planned exposure programmes for students and other education community members to situations of poverty, injustice and violations of rights, along with critical reflection and internalization of the experience.
  • developing in students deep convictions about the Montfortian core values and the contributions they should make for the transformation of society.
  • using the curriculum and other appropriate means to promote human rights education.
  • cultivating an internal attitude of respect for women, and children, and the protection of their rights.
  • helping the education community confront their prejudices and stereotypes about certain communities and peoples so that they can look at people and situations with objectivity and genuine concern.
  • cultivating attitudes of cooperation, collaboration and concern for all in the educational processes, thus promoting the reign of God.
Incarnational Methodology

The history of Montfortian education is replete with instances of incarnational methodology characterized by total self-giving, unreserved involvement, genuine empathy, and spontaneous sharing in the situations of people through participatory processes. These cherished values as an educational methodology go a long way in bringing about personal and social transformation. This is accomplished through:

  • a culture of personal and warm relationships with all.
  • involvement of teachers and administrators as mentors and guides in the lives of students; taking a personal interest in the intellectual, affective, moral and spiritual development of everyone; and helping each one to develop a sense of self-worth and responsibility.
  • involvement in the pains and struggles of the most vulnerable sections of the neighbourhood in which the institution/work is located through appropriate and well- designed programmes.
  • simplicity and transparency III all aspects of the educational process. Innovation and Creativity With idealism, creative zeal, and innovation as the hallmarks of Montfortian education, we dare to seek new frontiers, break new ground in perceptions, walk along the unfamiliar path, and form citizens of a new world in the making. It aims at the holistic and integral development of every person to become men and women of character, competence, conscience, and compassion. To this end:
  • students are given a thorough and sound intellectual formation that includes the development of the ability to reason reflectively, think logically, and evaluate critically through competent and well-motivated teaching.
  • possibilities are offered to students to develop their imaginative, affective and creative dimensions of life through planned right-brain activities and programmes as part of the normal curriculum.
  • opportunities for collective learning, listening and cooperation are provided to students through projects and other programmes.
  • programmes and methodologies that arouse intellectual curiosity in students, and cultivate an aptitude for self-learning and personal research are offered to help them cope with the ever-new demands of life.
  • develop in students an informed yet critical outlook towards mass media, social networks and other means of communication and interaction that are the fruits of technology, so that they can make discerned personal choices rather than be manipulated by them.
  • develop a culture of life and well-being in the educational milieu and programmes, so that students are enabled to handle situations of stress and personal crisis with patience and maturity.
  • empowered to experiment in curriculum planning, pedagogical methods and institutional culture that are in coherence with the core Montfortian values Montfortian educational institutions create models of education for a new world in the making.
The Best Interests of the Child

In all actions concerning children, Montfort placed the best interests of the person as the primary consideration. Montfortian education today places the child at the center of its education mission ensuring that the children find themselves in an exciting atmosphere by taking utmost care taken in the organization of the schools and the classrooms, in the pedagogical methods adopted, ensuring the security and wellbeing of children, and their all- round development. To realize this:

  • basic needs of children are taken into consideration for their physical and psychological well-being by ensuring a safe and secure atmosphere within the school;
  • appropriate participation of children in all decisions that affect them is ensured both as their inherent right as persons, and as responsible decision makers in their adult life;
  • teaching/Learning process is made participatory, drawing out the hidden potentialities in every child; all discrimination based on gender, religion, caste and class is avoided whether it be in admissions, or teaching/learning processes
  • preference in admissions and other educational processes are rendered towards those deprived and the marginalized in society such as girl children, social outcasts and others;
  • the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is made a practical guideline in curriculum planning, pedagogy, administration and institutional culture.
Partnership and Networking

Partnership and networking were a way of life for our founders and our pioneers. The world today flourishes on partnerships and teamwork. Partnership as an evangelical value and as a strategic tool can be realized in Montfortian Education by

  • introducing the larger education community to the life and vision of Montfort and Montfortian Education;
  • empowering students, teachers, parents and other partners in education to consciously share in the Montfortian Mission;
  • training students in soft skills that make them humane, understanding and compassionate towards one another and the rest of the world;
  • facilitating team building and cooperation among students and teachers both through curricular and co-curricular activities;
  • sharing of resources, programmes and space with educational institutions in the neighbourhood, thus assuming a facilitation role for education in the area;
  • networking with governmental and non-governmental actors in the field of education for mutual enrichment and to provide support for those deprived of opportunities
  • empowering the Montfortian Associates to participate in Montfortian education at all levels, including in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation:
  • opening to international collaboration and networking
Respect for Community of Life

Montfortian Education recognizes that all beings are interdependent and every form of life has value. Hence the whole of creation has to be treated with respect and care. Towards this end, Montfortian Education will:

  • inculcate in students respect and care for the community of life through curricular and co- curricular activities; reduce, reuse and recycle materials used in consumption systems
  • make careful and efficient use of energy
  • adopt lifestyles that enhance the quality of life and limit material needs;
  • develop an institutional culture that embodies respect and care for the community of life;
  • adopt the values and principles embedded in the Earth Charter as a guide in our commitment to respectful and sustainable use of the resources of the world.
Quest for Excellence

Excellence is the hallmark of Montfortian Education. Excellence reflects moral virtue to strive toward what is positive, valuable, and praiseworthy. The pursuit of excellence is ultimately to be accountable to God who has endowed us with wisdom and passion for all that is good. An education that promotes such a quest for excellence is marked by:

  • an educational atmosphere that helps every student, each according to his/her aptitudes, to develop a high level of social. human, spiritual, emotional, physical and academic competencies;
  • a high level of a culture of cooperation and collaboration among students, teachers, and others involved in the educational process;
  • the ability of students to make choices in life that are fruits of mature discernment following the demands of the Eternal Wisdom, and are willing to pay the price for such choices;
  • the presence in the institution of a high percentage of students from among "those whom the world rejects", who are provided with the necessary support structures to attain the same excellence as the others.
  • an inclusive institution where people of all faiths, cultures and social groups can grow together and build meaningful and lasting relationships;
  • openness to modem technological and pedagogical advancements to maximize the learning/teaching process
  • a high level of environmental consciousness, respect for the community of life, and the needs of future generations;
  • respect for the human rights of all, especially the most vulnerable sections of society
  • a reasonable percentage of the alumni reflect the qualities of Wisdom that is the goal of Montfortian Education and contribute to creating a just, fraternal and sustainable world in different sectors.

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