Admission Procedure
- Admissions are possible only in LKG for children who have completed 4 years by age as on 1st April
of the year of admission. Birth certificate is essential for the admission process.
The School authority reserves the right of admission.
- Admission to other classes is subject to availability of seat. Usually, no student is admitted
to Classes VIII, IX & X.
- The Registration form should be filled in with great care and submitted to the school
office, within the prescribed time.
- The Provisional admission list would be published after an interaction with the parents(s)
and the child.
- Admission is possible only after meeting the Principal / Admission panel for an
interaction. The dates for the interaction & admission will be notified on the School notice
board & on the school website.
- The decision taken by the school authority in this regard is final.
- The required fees are to be paid within the date notified, failing which the seat shall be
allotted to other applicants.
To the Parents
Your children are your wealth. They deserve your best investment of time and
attention. Care must be taken to ensure that they grow up in a supportive, caring and
nurturing family environment with love, acceptance, appreciation, encouragement,
and guidance. It is needed all the more during their teenage years as they go through
rapid changes physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially. As your children
spend most of these years at school, it is recommended that the parents and guardians
establish and maintain a healthy and constructive relationship with the school, so that
we work together as a team in helping their all-around growth.
It is good practice to find out from your children what went on in the school and they
fared in the different activities in the school. Show interest in your children’s academic
and extracurricular interests and activities and encourage them to become involved in
activities such as sports, music, quiz, cultural activities and art.
Encourage them to do their home assignments and other works regularly and
systematically, and according to a schedule that you have worked out together.
Encourage sincere, systematic hard work, regularity in their studies, neatness
and punctuality in everything.
Take care that your children acquire good moral values such as compassion,
equality, respect, kindness, sharing, justice and humility as they are essential to
overall human development. This process must start from their early childhood
itself. The best way to teach your kids good values is to model them in your life.
Talk with your teen about their concerns and pay attention to any changes in
their behaviour. Disapprove firmly all that is unhealthy and will stand in the way
of their healthy growth.
Be watchful that they do not cultivate unhealthy habits like smoking, the use of
tobacco, chewing pan, use of alcohol, undesirable use of the internet and social
media and association with antisocial elements and bad company.
Verify facts before you take sides and believe in rumours. It could be that your
child need not always be right.
Avoid criticism of teachers and the school in the presence of your children.
Should you have a legitimate complaint or a suggestion, make it a point to meet
the Principal and discuss the matter. Constructive criticism is always encouraged
and is welcome.
Remember that no one else can substitute ‘parents’. No school can be an
alternative to ‘home’. Parents have a vital role to play in the education of a
child. The school and the teachers are only an extension of the educational
process that the parents have already begun at home. Hence, we look forward
to your maximum cooperation and understanding. Parents are requested to go
through all the rules and guidelines carefully and cooperate with the school in
maintaining punctuality, regularity, discipline and courteous behaviour.
Parents are requested to ensure that their children attend school daily and punctually
in neat school uniforms.
They must encourage and motivate their children to be regular with their home
assignments and provide a suitable study atmosphere and time at home with a
schedule that will give them at least six hours of regular study, preferably under their
close supervision.
Parents must go through their child's school diary regularly to acquaint themselves
with the rules and regulations of the school and to go through the different records to
keep track of the notes and information passed on by the school and the teachers and
sign wherever required.
Parents are always welcome to meet the school authorities and express their views and
suggestions in a spirit of cooperation and goodwill. Parents should feel free to inform
the school authorities if their children face any kind of difficulties in school.
Smoking and all types of tobacco products and intoxicants, including chewing gum
are strictly prohibited on the school campus. Parents and other guests are not expected
to visit the school in an inebriated condition or smoke on the school compound.
Parents and guardians are not permitted to go to the classrooms during class hours or
meet any teacher without the permission of the Principal.
Parents must ensure that the school fees of their children are paid before the 15th of
every month without fail.
No one, except the parents or those authorized by the parents in writing will be
allowed to take the student out of the school.
The identity card of the child and the gatepass must be produced at the gate by the one
who is taking the child during class hours.
Parents must attend parent-teacher meetings or on occasions when they are required to
meet with the teachers or the Principal on time and without fail.
Parents are also expected to strictly avoid spiting on the school campus and defacing
the building or the verandas.
At the end of terminal exams, parents are invited to see their child’s answer scripts and
discuss with teachers about their progress and other aspects of their child’s life in the
Misbehaviour with any of the school staff or disrespectful behaviour towards them in
person or over phone and social media will lead to the suspension or dismissal of the
student from the school.
Parents and guardians who claim to be too busy to meet the Principal or the teachers
when required in connection with their child’s progress in the school or due to
disciplinary issues need not seek admission for their children in the school.
Only those Parents and guardians who agree to abide by the rules and regulations of
the school and are willing to submit their children to follow the rules of the school
need to seek admission for their children in the school.
In the event of any legal issues or court cases between a parent/guardian and the
school, the child will not attend the school until the legal process is completed and the
issue is settled.