Rules & Regulation


Students should come to School in proper and decent school uniforms. Every student is expected to look smart and clean in his / her school dress. Schools uniforms should be neat & tidy and shoes should be well polished. At all times, a student will be dressed in school uniform when in school.

For Boys and Girls:
  1. Pants and skirts should be worn on the waist and not on the hips.Monday to Friday : White shirt, Blue pants/skirts and black shoes.Saturday and on the days of P.E.T.: House T.-Shirt, Track pants and white canvas shoes.
  2. Uniform materials should be of plain cloth, without any design or logo and decorative stitching.
  3. Student shall come to the school only in proper uniform, unless specially allowed. Appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken against any student who does not follow the regulations regarding the uniform.
  4. Shirts should be properly tucked in at all times while dressed in school uniforms. It should not have any fanciful stitching and cuttings.
  5. The collar must be buttoned and the necktie should be properly worn along the collar with the knot covering the collar button at all times while dressed in school uniforms.
For Boys:
  1. White half-sleeved shirt and navy-blue pants.
  2. Black ‘naughty boy’ shoes with laces. School Socks, Necktie, School Belt and School Sweater are also part of the uniform. Shirt will be worn tucked-in.
  3. Boys must stitch their pants like formal pants and shirts without any fanciful stitching.
  4. The boys will have their hair cut, decently & short.
Special note:
  1. Wearing uniform pants at low waist is not allowed.
  2. Extreme narrow bottom pants and extreme bell-bottom pants are not allowed.
  3. Fixation for bottom line of pants / trousers:
Height of Boys
Bottom line measurement
  1. Upto 3.6 feet 12 inches
  2. Upto 4.6 feet 14 inches
  3. Upto 5 feet 15 inches
  4. 5.1 - 5.6 feet 17 inches
  5. Above 5.6 feet 18 inches
For Girls:
  1. White half-sleeved shirt and Navy-blue skirt of “below knee length” with the required pattern of stitching.
  2. Black buckled shoes and white stockings. Necktie, belt and sweater are also part of the uniform. Shirt will be worn tucked-in.
  3. Girls can wear black slacks during winter.
  4. The pleats on the skirt should be between 1 inch and 1.5 inch.
  5. The girls will have minimum shoulder length hair neatly tied with black hair band only.
Special note:
  1. Only pleated skirts should be worn for school uniforms. No tight fitting designs are accepted for school uniforms.
  2. Skirt / tunic must cover from the navel up to 2 inches below the knee.
  3. Skirts should not be worn at low waist.
  1. Bleaching and colouring of hair is strictly prohibited for both boys and girls. Only black- dye may be used if and when circumstances demand.
  2. Girls should have their hairs neatly tied in a single pleat. Boy-cut and short hair is strictly prohibited for High School girls.
  3. Shaved hair cut, bald cut (brush-cut over the ears) bald hair-cut and growing long hair is strictly prohibited for boys.
  4. Spiky and fancy hair styles of any kind is strictly prohibited.
  5. No student shall keep his / her hair in any manner which can make the hair look unusual or over stylish than the normal student look.
  6. Applying of hair-gel of any kind (super hard, water gloss, wet look etc.) and over-oiling of hair is not encouraged and it should not be too dry either.
  1. Imprinting of tattoos on any part of the body is strictly prohibited. Students with tattoos will not be permitted to attend the classes or any programs in the school.
  2. Body piercing and making artificial moles on any part of the body is strictly prohibited.
  3. Religious wrist bands, chains, rings etc. are NOT allowed.
  1. Students are not permitted to bring or decorate themselves with ornaments of any kind at School. This includes rings, toe-rings, necklace, ear-rings, bangles, chains, payals, bracelets, wristbands, anklets, smart & fancy watches, fancy spectacles etc.
  2. Bringing and applying of cosmetics and make-ups of any kind is not permitted. This includes face powder, perfumes, lipsticks, eyebrows, eyeliner, kajal, nail-polish, eye brow pencil, coloured lip-gloss etc.
  3. Applying of Mehendi is normally not permitted. However with prior permission exception can be made in special cases.

Bringing and using of mobiles phones or any other electronic gadgets such as Pen-drive, Memory card, Walkman, Discman, Dongles, Camera, iPods, CDs, MP3, MP4 etc. are strictly prohibited at school unless prior permission is obtained from the Principal for special occasion or for school functions. If found, the gadgets will be confiscated and proper disciplinary action (up to the extent of dismissal) would be taken. Gadgets that are confiscated from students are usually NOT to be given back. However, it may be given back to the parent /guardian after a penalty or fine of Rs. 1000/-.


Driving in school uniforms by a student is not encouraged and must be avoided. Driving/ Riding and bringing two wheelers or cars or any vehicle by a student to school is strictly prohibited. This is mainly for safety measures and to avoid all kinds of evils and temptations which can hamper their studies.


Consumption, bringing and possession of Chewing Gum, Chips, Kurkure, or any packed snacks, tobacco and other tobacco products such as Tiranga, Cigarettes, Zarda, Khaini, Supari, Betelnut, Rajnigandha or any kind of Paan Masala & Gutkha, Sweet Supari, Passpass, alcohol etc. is strictly prohibited at school. Bringing obscene objects of any kind to the school in the form of cassettes, disc, literature, pictures, stickers, posters, stamps, books, magazines, etc. which can spoil a child’s moral psychology and character is strictly prohibited at school. Story/Comic books from outside the school are not allowed.


Students are not allowed to organise or take part in picnics, gatherings, parties etc. as a school unit in school uniform.


Permitted : Home cooked vegetarian food, Biscuits, Bread and Cake. Not-permitted : Non-vegetarian food items, noodles, packed snacks such as Chips, Kurkure, Mixture etc.

  1. First Violation - Imposition of fine of Rs 200 & issue of Memo 1
  2. Second Violation - Imposition of fine of Rs 500 & issue of Memo 2
  3. Third Violation - Expulsion from School
  1. Every day, school begins and ends with prayer. The prayer to obtain Divine Wisdom is prayed at the beginning of each day along with the Lord’s Prayer. The prayer after class is prayed at the end of the day.
  2. The School Assembly is a sacred gathering of the whole school community, usually conducted once a week.
  3. Everyday we invoke God’s blessing on all members of the school community. All members of the staff are present at the Assembly. The class teachers take care of the students of their class to guide them in proper participation and maintaining discipline.
In order to help the students to develop a balanced personality, we give much importance to various activities that bring out the best in every child. To develop a healthy competitive spirit, to excel in studies, games, sports and other co-curricular activities the students are grouped into different ‘Houses’. The teachers in charge will organise the activities of the house in collaboration with the House Leaders. Inter-House competitions will be held on a regular basis, throughout the academic year. Every student is expected to take part in these activities. Requests from parents to exempt any student from any of these will not be entertained. Students who are selected for participation in various disciplines, but failing to participate and co-operate with the school authorities and the house leaders will be considered as a serious offence.
  1. A student must have a minimum of 90% attendance in order to appear for any of the examinations. Students having 80 to 89% attendance will have to obtain special permission from the Principal to appear for the examinations
  2. The School year is divided in to two terms. There will be Half-Yearly Exam and Annual Exam at the end of the first and second terms respectively. Four Unit tests will be conducted in a year. Two Unit Tests will be conducted before Half Yearly and rest before the Annual Exam. The Marks of all the tests & exams will be considered for promotion. Class X will have three Revision Examinations apart from the Half Yearly Examination before they appear for the Board Exam.
  3. P u p i l s w h o a b s e n t themselves from tests and examinations without prior permission of the Principal will not be considered for promotion to next class.
  4. The Progress Report will be issued after every Unit Test & Examination. The progress of the students is assessed by means of various tests and examinations conducted from time to time.
  5. Parents who want to check the Answer sheets of Half Yearly Examination may apply for prior permission.
  6. Results declared at the end of the year are final in all classes and will not be reconsidered or changed under any circumstances; neither will the answer script be shown.
  7. Malpractice in the examination is a grave offence. If found guilty the following shall apply : *For the first time, the student shall be awarded zero in that particular subject and debarred from writing rest of the exams. If repeated it will lead to detention and dismissal.
  8. There will not be any Re-examination for absentees.
Promotion is based on the complete year’s academic performance calculating the promotion aggregate as below: Unit Tests = 20% Half Yearly Examination = 30 % Annual Examination = 50 % Passing in the Annual examination alone will not be sufficient for promotion to higher class.
  1. 90% attendance is required in order to appear for any examination.
  2. Students will be fined Rs. 200/- per day for any unauthorised absence on the re-opening day after any holiday.
  3. No leave of absence is granted except on previous written application from the parents or guardians. Leave application from associations / local bodies and other such agencies will not be entertained.
  4. The leave of absence for students of Classes IX and X are granted only if the parent report in person to the Principal on the day of absence.
  5. A student abstaining himself / herself from school for 3(three) consecutive days without permission will have his / her name removed from the rolls. To be readmitted fresh admission fee will have to be paid. If the absence is due to sickness or any other grave reasons, the Principal must be notified about it on time.
  6. Students who have been absent from class must have the reason for absence briefly noted in the ‘Leave Record’ of the School Diary by the parent with his/her signature attached. Student should obtain the Principal’s signature to enter the class on his/her return. No student will be allowed to leave the school during the school hours without the written application of the parents and approval of the Principal. If one has to leave the school for any unforeseen reason, Parents will be informed and they are to get permission of the Principal on the “leave during school hours” record.
  7. The student may be sent home with the permission of the Principal during class hours for failure in wearing the school uniform, for not bringing the required books to the school, for failure in getting the Parent’s signature in the absence record, for not doing his / her home assignments or for misbehaviour, after informing the parents.
  8. No student will be allowed to be absent from the school for meetings or functions without the permission of the Principal.
  9. Leave must be obtained in advance from the Principal in writing for the occasion like religious functions, marriages or functions in the family.
  1. Transfer Certificates are issued only against a written application from the parents in the prescribed form available in the school office.
  2. The school authorities reserve the right to take appropriate disciplinary action, including dismissal against any student whose conduct is detrimental to the moral tone, discipline and educative atmosphere in the school. The following acts/behaviour will be considered serious offence which may result in the dismissal of the student from school without prior warning.
    1. Copying and helping others to copy and other such malpractices at examination; altering marks and forging signature of parents, teachers and the Principal.
    2. Physical violence, causing injuries to others, ragging etc.
    3. Intentional destruction of school property.
    4. Smoking, abuse of drugs, possession or use of liquor and other intoxicants within or outside the campus.
    5. Disrespect shown to the teachers, staff and school authorities.
    6. Continuous absence for more than three days without the permission of the Principal.
    7. Organising any activity and collecting funds without the permission of the Principal.
    8. Extreme laziness and indifference in doing the work assigned.
    9. Association with immoral elements in the society.
    10. Engaging in private tuitions without the permission of the Principal
    11. Absenting on important school function days and shirking responsibility.
    12. Becoming a member of any Association which is not recognised by the School authority.
    13. Continuous disregard for the Rule of Language.
    14. Taking part in unauthorised picnics, parties and gatherings, as a group or class.
    15. Skipping or avoiding the Class(es) during School hours.
    If a student is expelled due to violation of any of the above rules and regulations, remarks in the Transfer Certificate be mentioned as ‘Violation of School Rules and Regulations’.

Being an English Medium school, all instructions and teaching will be carried out only in English. The students must converse only in English in the School Campus.

  1. Students are not permitted to ride or drive motor vehicles to school.
  2. Students need to be dropped and picked up by parents / guardians / Garden Bus or Private Vehicle before 8.15 a.m.
  3. Students are permitted to ride to school on bicycles for which special permission would be obtained from Principal.

Teaching in the school is imparted in such a way that private tuitions are unnecessary. The tendency among the students and the parents to engage private tutors, from our own staff, and other school / college teachers / lecturers, without the permission of the Principal is against the prevailing school rules and such students are liable to be dismissed from the school. However, in the case of slow learners, the parents may contact the Principal for remedial measures which will be arranged in the school.


At the end of every month the Class Teacher will organise class meeting to review the month. The meeting will review the progress in studies, discipline of the class, assembly, rule of language and all matters concerning the class. The meeting will be chaired by the Class Teacher. An elected Secretary will maintain the minutes. The meeting will also plan for the coming month. The minutes of the previous meeting should be read in the subsequent meeting.


In order to instil among students a sense of helping the poor, a fund called Solidarity Fund is created. Students and others can contribute small amount from their savings every week. The fund will be used to help needy people. The collection and disbursal will be read out at the end of every month. The three most generous classes will be given Certificates and Prize.

  1. Class Leaders are appointed by the Class Teachers. They will be changed every month. Boys and girls get equal opportunities to be Class Leaders.
  2. House Captains are appointed by the Principal after consulting the teachers and students of their class.
  3. Responsible House Captains and Class Leaders will be awarded merit certificates at the end of the academic year.

Though every care is taken towards the safety and welfare of the students, accidents are possible. The school will not be responsible for accident, small or serious that can happen to the students during their stay in the school or while taking part in sports and co-curricular activities within or outside the school premises. In cases of emergency, the student would be administered first-aid and taken for medical help.


All the financial and administrative matters of the school will be dealt by the management through the Principal. In all the important matters the management shall seek the approval of the governing body of the society.