Our Inspiration

Our inspiration comes from the life and teachings of Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, born on 31st January 1673 in France. At that time France was passing through a grave economic as well as a social crisis. More than 95% of the population was illiterate. The French Revolution which came almost a century later was already brewing.

Even as a young student Montfort championed the cause of the poor. At the age of nineteen, he left home to become a missionary. On becoming a priest, he relied entirely on God’s Providence. He chose to identify himself with the poor and the neglected and shared their life. He helped them to live with dignity, as children of God.

His uncompromising and radical following of the Gospel and his commitment to the poor always invited the wrath of the powerful and the affluent. Yet he continued fearlessly to preach the Word of God throughout western France, caring for the poor, the marginalized, the sick the uneducated, the disabled and all those whom the society rejected.

St. Louis de Montfort was an extremely versatile man. He was a philosopher, writer, poet, musician, artist, sculptor, choreographer, builder and social reformer. He wrote several books that have gone on to become classic Catholic titles that have influenced many, including several Popes (Pope Leo XIII, Pope Pius X, Pope Pius XII and Pope John Paul II). His sixteen years of missionary life included many hours and months of solitude and prayer. He excelled in organizing large retreats and leading people to God.

The essence of his spirituality consists of complete dependence on God, devotion to Mary the Mother of God whom he considered as the shortest and the surest way to Jesus, contemplation of the mystery of the Cross, love of Eternal Wisdom and complete fidelity to his vocation as a missionary.

He founded three religious congregations: The ‘Brothers of St. Gabriel’ (Montfort Brothers), the ‘Company of Mary’ (Montfort Fathers), and the ‘Daughters of Wisdom’ (Montfort Sisters). Spread across the continents, these congregations continue in his footsteps, bringing Good News to the people. Montfort was worn out by hard work and sickness, and his end came on 28th April 1716. He was 43 years old. He was declared a Saint on 20th July 1947.

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